Meet the Lumière Dreamers: Mark Haney

Named one of the Globe and Mail’s “Canadian Arts Heroes of 2020” for his work during the pandemic as Artistic Director of Vancouver’s Little Chamber Music, Mark Haney is deeply motivated by issues of identity, culture, and community. Composer in Residence at Mountain View Cemetery since 2015, Mark’s compositions have earned national attention (“11”, “Aim for the Roses”), a Jessie Richardson Award Nomination for Composition (Small Stage) and Mark and his work were the subjects of John Bolton's 2016 docu-drama Aim for the Roses. In June 2022 Omnis Temporalis, a musical reconstruction of the acclaimed cartoonist Seth’s award-winning graphic novel George Sprott, was released in a deluxe vinyl edition featuring elaborate packaging and design by Seth by Montreal’s Drawn and Quarterly Publishers.


Instagram: @littlechambermusic @haneybass

Facebook: @littlechambermusic, @Mark.Haney.Bassist.Composer

Youtube: @littlechambermusic